Revision A
Figure 3.95: Transport Swing Control
13. Install hose (A) from the outer port (rod end) on the
transport cylinder block to tee fitting (D) in port D of the
transport swing control.
14. Install hose (B) from the inner port (base end) on the
transport cylinder block to tee fitting (C) in port C of the
transport swing control.
Figure 3.96: Selector Valve Supply
15. Connect hose (B) (with red collar #2), from the rear of the
hitch, to the fitting in port A1 on selector valve (C).
16. Connect hose (A) (with blue collar #2), from the rear of the
hitch, to the fitting in port A2 of selector valve (C).
17. Secure hoses (A) and (B) together with a cable tie.