Revision A
Transport Lighting
Light assemblies provide position, hazard, turning direction, and braking information.
With Transport Option
When the optional transport system is installed, the lights mount to the left side of the machine.
Figure 9.34: Lighting Locations
with Transport
The rotary disc pull-type is equipped with two bidirectional
amber lights (A) that function as flashing hazard lights and turn
Red lights (B) located on the inboard side of the amber lights
function as both tail and brake lights. Refer to the rotary disc
pull-type operator
s manual for information about connecting
the electrical harness to the tractor.
Amber reflective tape is applied to various locations on the
front and sides of the rotary disc pull-type, hitch, and carrier
frame. Red reflective tape is applied to the rear of the
rotary disc pull-type.
Without Transport Option
When no optional transport system is installed, the lights mount to the left and right corners of the carrier frame.
Figure 9.35: Lighting Locations
The rotary disc pull-type is equipped with two bidirectional
amber lights (A) located on the outboard edges of the carrier
frame that function as flashing hazard lights and turn signals.
Red lights (B) located on the inboard side of the amber lights
function as both tail and brake lights. Refer to the rotary disc
pull-type operator
s manual for information about connecting
the electrical harness to the tractor.
Amber reflective tape is applied to various locations on the
front and sides of the rotary disc pull-type, hitch, and carrier
frame. Red reflective tape is applied to various locations on the
rotary disc pull-type.