© 2016 MA Lighting T e chno lo gy Gm bH | Da chde ck e rstr. 16 | D-97297 W a ldbütte lbrunn | Ge rm a ny
P ho ne +49 5251 688865-27 | suppo rt (a t) m a -do t2.co m | www.m a lighting.co m
1 of 1
To select the value, turn the encoder left or right.
To change the encoder speed to slow, press the encoder key
To change the encoder speed to ultra slow, press and hold the
key and press the encoder key
To open the
, press the encoder.
7.82. Virtual Playbacks View
To go to the virtual playback view
at screen 1: Press and hold
screen 2: Tap Virtual Playback on the
Figure: Virtual Playbacks View
This view gives you access to virtual executors and faders.
There are two ways to use the virtual playback.
1. Use the virtual playback as a backup to the hardware playback.
The virtual playback displays always the same as the hardware playback.
2. Use the virtual playback to have additional executors to your hardware.
If you have no hardware button wing, you can still use the button wing as virtual playback.
The icons on the virtual executor buttons displays by default the same as on the hardware executors.