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1 of 1
21. Knockout Invert:
Inverts at fist the selection and removes the inverted selection from the programmer.
This is useful if you have a lot of values in the programmer but you want to store only the current selected values.
Figure 6: Fixture selection and values before knockout invert
Figure 7: Fixture selection and values after knockout invert
22. Knockout Selection:
Deselects the selected fixtures in the
and remove their values from the programmer.
23. MAtricks 1/3:
Selects every third fixture of the current fixture selection, starting with the first fixture.
selects the every third fixture, starting with next or previous fixture.
Example: If Highlight is on, every third fixture is highlighted.
Reset the Next and Previous Key back to default by using
24. MAtricks 1/4:
Selects every fourth fixture of the current fixture selection, starting with the first fixture.
selects the every fourth fixture, starting with next or previous fixture.
Example: If Highlight is on, every fourth fixture is highlighted.
Reset the Next and Previous Key back to default by using
25. MAtricks 1/5:
Selects every fifth fixture of the current fixture selection, starting with the first fixture.
selects the every fifth fixture, starting with next or previous fixture.
Example: If Highlight is on, every fifth fixture is highlighted.
Reset the Next and Previous Key back to default by using
26. MAtricks Block 1:
Selects blocks of 1 fixture of the current fixture selection, starting with the first fixture.
selects the next or previous block.
Reset the Next and Previous Key back to default by using