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P ho ne +49 5251 688865-27 | suppo rt (a t) m a -do t2.co m | www.m a lighting.co m
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Executor Fader:
Physical fader on the console to execute cues.
Executor Time Master:
Overrides cue fade and on/off times and sets the cue delay to zero.
Fade time:
Time for changing from one value to another value.
Fader Wing:
Is an extension for the console with additional faders and executor buttons.
Group of attributes for a better overview. Refer to,
Fixture ID:
Unique identifier for each fixture. You set the fixture ID in the
Fixture Library:
Library with all common fixture types to import fixture types into the show file. Refer to,
Fixture Type:
Every device you can control from the console. In the fixture type is the assignment of the attributes to the DMX
Flip is a function to change the pan and tilt combination and point your fixture in the same direction. Refer to,
(fps = frames per second):
Is a picture frequency. The default setting is 30 fps. From this follows that 1 frame is equivalent to 0.03 seconds.
Refer to,
Grand master:
Fader rightmost at the console to reduce all dimmer values. Refer to,
Getting Started Guide - Physical Setup and
To have a quick selection, store selected fixtures in groups. Refer to,
The color of a color notation in an angle between 0 and 360 degrees.