The listed input parameters starting by the
character „I”
are value for the input numbers
from #3 to #8 - according the requirements.
The listed output parameters starting by the
character „O”
are value for the output
numbers from #2 to #4.
The ’
’ assigns the number of the current input/output line.
Attention! You cannot use the output lines nr. #2-4 for gate opening! These
output line can only be applying for remote switch of external devices.
If you’ve changed one of the listed parameter values, then the program will highlight the
changed value lines by
. For sending the listed parameter values for the device
(regarding the
check the proper selection
push the
Write config
button at the bottom of the screen. At the end of the parameter sending, the device is
restarting by using the new settings.
In case of neccessary you can save the configuration to your computer by the
Save file
Please, also check the Chapter 5.6
5.6 Further safety settings
In the
parameter group you will found further general safety and alarm feature’s
settings which is used in case of the security and safety aimed tasks.