By the
Select all
button you can choose (mark) all parameters or
Deselect All
(unmark). This will
help you later to write/read the marked parameters to the device.
When you were modified a parameter value, the device will not notified from the
change, while you will send the parameter value to the
For this you have to mark
the required parameter - in the
coloumn. The
Only selected
option at the bottom of
the window assigns that only the selected and marked parameters will be sended
when the
checkbox is unmarked, then all displayed and listed parameters will be sended.
For sending the parameter(s) to the device push the
Write config
button at the bottom of the
screen. The selected values will be sent to the
. The progress indicator signs the current status
of the method. After the succesfull parameter upload, the device will be restarted.
If you choosed the
Select All
before you push the
Write config
then all
listed parameters were
sent. (The further
not listed - parameter grousp will be not sended.)
If you wouldn’t like to send all listed
parameter to the device then push to the
Deselect all
and mark only the required parameters on the parameter groups which you are attempt to
sended. Then push the
Write config
button. Only the selected parameters will be sent.
The detailed parameter description can be found in the Chapter nr. 5.
4.6 Contact list for output control and gate opening
The output and gate control settings can be found in the
Configuration file window
at the
Access List