GEO data:
Country code / Street Code /Street Number / Street Km and Direction
according to TLS type 36.
UMB error in DE-14 tel.: If the UMB device reports an error value, this
parameter can be used to control whether the error byte should be included as
an additional “manufacturer specific” error in the extended DE error message
(type 14).
(see Appendix “extended error message DE-Type 14” )
Check DE-
channel in „set op param:
this option is selected, the „DE-Channel“ assignment in the „set op param“
command is checked. If the DE-Channel is set (other than 255 = all), the
command is rejected, otherwise the command is applied to all channels of the
specified “FG” (Lcom only supports op params per FG, not per channel).
5.7.1 TLS FG6 Parameter
Parameter for supported FG6 data types can be set here, i.e. whether the sensor
values should be inverted before transmission.