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DGT RC Alarm Code
Here, the parameter for calculating the DGT RC Alarm Code are configured:
Dewpoint Temperature: the channel for dewpoint temperature in °C
Road Temperature: the channel for road temperature in °C
Freeze Point Temperature; the channel for freeze point temperature in °C
Road Condition: the channel for road condition
Value Map: the value mapping to map the road condition to DGT encoding
NOTE: to calculate the DGT Road Condition, historical values for dewpoint and
road temperature are required, i.e. data storage must be active for at least
these 2 channels.
The DGT Road Condition Alarm Code (Altertas Atmosfericas Byte) is calculated as
used in the DGT protocol. A value for dewpoint and road temperature is extrapolated
(time horizon 2 hours) using linear interpolation, and compared with other values.
The result is bit-encoded as follows: