The following attributes can be configured for each sensor channel:
Sensor/channel active/inactive
(Attention: see note below)
The name displayed in LCom
scale factor for the value reported by the UMB device
Uplink-Protocol parameter for this sensor channel
, e.g. for TLS:
TLS FG: The function group (3 or 6)
TLS Type: The TLS type
TLS Channel: The TLS channel
Phys. Channel: the “physical” TLS channel (not relevant for LCom, but
required by the TLS protocol)
Value mapping
(conversion of the sensor value via a mapping table or via
offset and scaling)
– see below.
MSSI Sensor-ID:
the MSSI Sensor ID (see below)
MSSI Sensor-
Type: the MSSI Sensor Type (see below)
Store Values:
if the value store is active (see
) storing of measure
values can be activated/deactivated for the sensor channel
Statistic Type:
determines, how measure values are calculated if - e.g. via
– data is retrieved from the measure store in intervals greater than the
storing interval (which is fixed 1 minute) (see
). Following statistic types
are supported: