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encoding of precipitation type (Lufft-UMB, Lufft Frequency or
Precipitation Diff:
sensor channel for precipitation difference (mm)
Air Temperature:
sensor channel for air temperature
TLS coded:
temperatures (air and dewpoint) are TLS coded (-> in 1/10 °C)
Dewpoint / Rel. Hum:
sensor channel for dewpoint or relative humidity
Is Dewpoint:
if selected, the sensor channel “Dewpoint / Rel. Hum” is treated
as a dewpoint sensor channel. If not, a relative humidity channel is assumed
an the dewpoint value is calculated internally from relative humidity and air
5.13.8 Slippery Frosty
Here the parameters for the model calculation “Slippery Frosty” can be configured.
This model calculation extends the road condition by a “slippery frosty” condition. The
calculation follows following rule:
Road condition is “dry”
AND water film is 0
AND road temperature is below 0
AND (road temperature plus dewpoint diff) is below dewpoint
THEN road condition is set to “slippery frosty”
OTHERWISE road condition is left unchanged