Page 72 Leica EM TIC 3X Operating Manual 07/17
Screen Lock:
To avoid accidental operation of the system the screen can be locked by pushing this
button. The screen can be unlocked by pushing the yellow field on the main screen.
A user password can be set in the Setup menu. The factory set password is 0000,
you may change this password in the setup menu.
File Upload:
As soon as a USB data-stick is connected the existing recipe, process parameter as
well as reports for service call can be uploaded onto the data-stick.
By uploading the existing recipe, it can be stored as a .xls file. On the USB
stick a fol
der is created: “TICexport” open the folder and open the file:
“process.rcp”. Import this file by using the stylesheet: “TIC3X.xsl”. It might be
necessary to change the security settings to execute the macros.
The History button is used to recall the complete last process and can be observed
directly on the screen.