Page 69 Leica EM TIC 3X Operating Manual 07/17 Illumination
Two illuminations are available, a ring LED illumination and a coaxial illumination,
both have different symbols.
By pushing the ring LED illumination symbol the brightness of the segments can be
adjusted using the + and
– buttons. Different segments can be selected by touching
the segment symbol. The selected segment can be rotated using the arrow button.
This is helpful when adjusting the sample towards the mask edge.
The light can be switched on and off using the light symbol button without opening
the shutter when using the stereo microscope to mount the next sample onto its
holder. To save lifetime (intensity) of the LEDs, the light automatically switches off
after 12 minutes.
Pushing the
“Observe” button, the light will be switched on and the shutter will be
opened in order to observe the sample during the process. The shutter will be
automatically closed and the light goes off after one minute during sample
For long-term observation the process can be paused (guns not active) by pushing
the pause symbol. This feature is used to avoid deposition onto the viewing glass.
As soon as the coaxial illumination is connected and initialized the light symbol
changes. The coaxial illumination operates with the shutter once a process has been
started. Pushing the
“Observe” button opens the shutter and the light switches on to
observe the sample during the process. If no process has been started the light can
only be switched on and off directly at the coaxial illumination. The brightness needs
to be set with the + - button on the coaxial illumination as well.