Sierra M6
2 SAS/SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual
Trigger Setup
LeCroy Corporation
Analyzer Settings
Primitive Response Timeout
The Primitive Response Timeout parameter specifies the number of DWORDs between
two pair primitives after which the analyzer detects a protocol error. Default value is
65000. When host or device sends a primitive, such as X_RDY, HOLD, or WTRM, it expects
device or host to reply with a primitive, such as R_RDY, HOLDA, or R_OK. This parameter
detects FIS Signaling Latency error, between HOLD and HOLDA, and FIS State Transition
error, between X_RDY and R_RDY, between SOF and EOF, or between WTRM and R_OK or
R_ERR.You can set a trigger on these protocol errors.
Disable Scrambling
If checked, causes the Analyzer to assume that no traffic is scrambled. By default, the
Analyzer assumes the scrambling state of the devices under test
Show XXXX value
Check this option to display XXXX values.
ALIGN Transmission Period (differs for SAS and SATA)
Choose the ALIGN Transmission Period for SSP and STP by clicking the corresponding
option button, then open the Protocol Error Mask dialog.
Protocol Error Mask
Click the Protocol Error Mask button to open the Protocol Error Mask dialog.
Figure 2.68: Protocol Errors Dialog
Check the Protocol Errors that you want the Analyzer to ignore.
When “RD Error” and “Code violation Error” are set as trigger events:
“RD Error” or “Code violation Error” can occur right after the OOB sequence.
“RD Error” or “Code violation Error” can occur right after the recovery from the PM state.