LeCroy Corporation
Trigger Setup
Sierra M6
2 SAS/SATA Protocol Analyzer User Manual
Defining Patterns
The definition of patterns for the sequential trigger mode is identical to the Any Trigger
mode, with the following exception:
In sequential triggering mode, the definition dialogs for the triggering patterns enable
the setting to count the number of occurrences. This allows you to specify the number of
times that the pattern must occur before triggering or proceeding in the trigger
Figure 2.63: Number of Occurrences
The events on each link are counted independently, causing a trigger whenever the number of
occurrences on any link equals the specified value.
Triggering Order
As triggering patterns are defined and added, they are displayed in the Project Tree
sequentially in the order that they were entered under the Trigger category. When the
project runs, the analyzer detects the occurrence of each pattern in order and triggers on
the last one.
You can re
order the sequence of triggering patterns. To change the sequence order,
highlight a trigger pattern and use the
arrow to move it to a new position.
Figure 2.64: Triggering Order