Special conditions:
1. Environment temperature:
The 70x3SIL encoder may be used in category 2G and 2D at an environment temperature of
-40ºC to +60ºC.
2. Temperature class:
The 70x3SIL encoder is approved for category 2G (Ex atmosphere Gas) for the temperature class T6.
3. Surface temperature:
The 70x3SIL encoder is approved for category 2D (Ex atmosphere Dust) up to a surface tempera-
ture of 85ºC. The user of the plant is to make sure that a possible dust deposit does not exceed a
maximum thickness of 5 mm according to EN 61241-14:2005.
4. The device may only be put into service if…
- the information on the type plate of the device is consistent with the approved Ex field of applica-
tion on site (device number, category, zone, temperature class or maximum surface temperature).
- the information on the type plate of the device is consistent with the power supply network.
- the device is not damaged (no damages due to transportation and storage) and
- it is made sure that there is no explosive atmosphere, oils, acids, gases, vapors, radiations, etc.,
during assembly.
5. No change may be carried out on equipment used in explosive areas. Repair work may only be
carried out by authorized organizations.
7.2 Additional information about the ignition protection category "Dust ignition-proof"
These installation instructions are intended to guarantee you the safe handling of our product in
explosive areas,
especially in dust zones.
Marking of the devices:
with EC type examination certificate
Zone 21:
II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP6X T=85°C test number
Protection class labeling:
IP 6X for zone 21/ Category 2
The following points must be considered for dust ignition-proof devices:
Intended use
1. The increased hazard in explosive areas requires careful compliance with the safety and commis-
sioning instructions
2. Explosion-proof electrical devices are subject to the standards of series EN 60079 and EN 61241.
They may only be used in explosive areas in accordance with the requirements of the competent
supervisory authority. This authority is in charge of determining the explosion hazard and the zon-
ing. The ignition protection category, the temperature class are stated on the type plate and on the
EC type examination certificate
– Equipment group II (explosive areas due to dust), category 2 (= zone 21)
3. The mechanical and electrical characteristics such as rotational speed, ambient temperature,
mechanical load, max. supply voltage, etc., of the purchased equipment may in no case exceed
the values permitted by the manufacturer.
4. When mounted, the equipment must have a sufficient mechanical strength.
5. The used elastomer parts, such as the o-rings used for the sealing of the device, are subject to
standard DIN EN 61241-1. The user is to make sure that these sealing elements do not wear pre-
maturely or are not damaged because of improper influences. This may occur e.g. through direct
UV radiation, aggressive media (acid) or sharp objects.
6. The following standards apply:
General requirements:
EN 61241-0: 2006
Protection by the housing “tD”:
EN 61241-1: 2007