RMS compact
RMS Compact Common Setup Error Checklist
Before Contacting Knuerr technical support, please browse through the following list of common setup
Serial Communications Setup
Unable to to establish serial communications:
Is the unit powered up?
Is the configuration cable supplied with the RMS compact being used?
Is the cable connected between the RMS compact serial port, and the computer Com
Ensure that your terminal emulation program is set to the correct settings (9600 8N1)
Ensure DIP switch 1 is down, and reset the unit
Is the user using ‘Hyperterminal’, if so, suggest that they use ‘Terraterm’ (supplied on
the RMS compact CD).
If serial communications are not established following the steps above,
please contact knuerr support
Network Communication
Unable to to ‘ping’ the unit
Is the unit powered up?
Is the Network cable connected?
Using serial communication, ensure that the IP address settings are correct for the unit,
making sure that the subnet mask and gateway address is correct
Check that there are no invalid entries in the NMS or Trap receiver tables
Quit the serial configuration menu, and retest, is there any activity on the TCP/IP led on
the unit or on the switch/hub/router?
Check that the PC being used is configured correctly (on the same subnet etc), can the
PC ping other devices on the same subnet?
Check that the unit has a valid MAC address – start a serial configuration session with
the RMS compact, and, at the main system menu, type
(this will not be displayed
as you type), hit return, and the MAC address should be displayed. If the MAC address is
disdplayed as all 0’s , refer to Sinetica.
If Network communications are not established following the steps above,
please contact knuerr support
SNMP communication
No communication with Viewer or NMS software
Check that the unit is ‘pingable’ – see above
Using either serial configuration, telnet or HTTP, ensure that the IP address of PC
running the Hawk-I Viewer or the NMS software is in the NMS table of the RMS compact
Check that the community strings match up at both ends, and that ‘read write’ access is
enabled if required (this will be required to use much of the functionality within the Viewer
Check that there are no invalid entries in the NMS or Trap receiver tables
Double check that the correct IP addresses are being used at the PC and the RMS
compact ends
If SNMP communications are not established following the steps above, please contact knuerr support