RMS compact
System Requirements
RMS compact
requires a terminal or terminal program for configuration and a network connection with an NMS
or supplied Viewer/Programmer software for operation. The following is a description of all required components
and a list of the most widely used NMSs.
The components of your standard RMS compact
Connection to an 10baseT Ethernet network
An SNMP-based management station
A dumb terminal or a PC with an emulation package capable of running at 38400 baud, to configure the
RMS compact
SNMP Agent, e.g. Windows 95/98/NT HyperTerminal or supplied Terraterm software
An RS232 communication port on your PC or terminal
Network identification values for the RMS compact
IP Address
Net Mask
IP Addresses for the NMS
Definitions of Communities
IP Address of the Gateway/Router on the same segment as the RMS compact