RMS compact
5. Press
if you have the Windows Communications screen or accept your communication settings in
the terminal emulation package. The terminal is now configured to communicate with the RMS
6. Connect the power supply with the 12VDC connector to the RMS compact
adapter’s power input.
Connect the other end of the power supply input cable to a UPS supplied power socket or power
distribution unit. The adapter should display the introductory screen on your terminal.
7. You are now ready to configure the RMS compact
adapter. Refer to the
section for a
detailed discussion.
8. Once configuration is complete, turn DIPswitch 1 on the RMS compact
from the
(ON) position
to the
(OFF) position.
9. Disconnect the configuration cable from the RMS compact
adapter and the dumb terminal or PC. Store
this cable for future use.
10. Disconnect the RMS compact
adapter from the PC or terminal and from the power supply.
11. DIPswitch 1 is still set to
(UP) position.
12. Place the RMS compact
in the rack, and connect up all required sensors to the relevant connectors on
the RMS compact, along with any reauired output connections and Network cable (see the
compact Package
section of this manual for details)
13. Connect the RMS compact
to the Ethernet cable.
14. Re-insert the power jack into the RMS compact
power connection.
Verify RMS compact
15. After you complete all configuration settings and connect the RMS compact
to the network, check that
the STATUS led is lit, and is GREEN
LED Status After Power Up
The STATUS led should be permanently ON and in a GREEN state.
The TCP/IP led should start flashing intermittently.
If any input alarm conditions have been previously set, then the ALARM led may be YELLOW
PING the RMS compact
Issue a PING command from the NMS (Network Management Station).
If you do not get a response, check the RMS compact
’s network connection and IP address.
Test the adapter with an NMS. Perform a
and a
(assuming an NMS is to be
used, if this is not the case, then test for communication by using the RMS compact
Viewer/Programmer software (see the section of the manual called
Configuration using the
RMS compact Programmer Software
in this manual
for instructions on how to do this)
The RMS compact MIB file, (contained on the accompanying CD-ROM), must be compiled into the NMS
before this can be done – instructions on how to do this will vary depending upon the type of NMS being
used, please refer to the NMS documentation for further information
If the GET or SET commands fail, check the RMS compact
access controls. The manager
must have read permission to execute a
command successfully and read/write
permission to execute a
command successfully.