RMS compact
10. Exit Humidity Setup
Enter choice (ESC to exit):
Figure 23 Humidity Parameter Configuration
This menu enables the user to enable/disable humidity monitoring, change the name of the sensor input, set
offsets, and select threshold limits (this includes limits for the warning traps to indicate that the humidity reading
is nearing its threshold). The user is also able to enable traps for off to on transitions and on to off transitions, as
well as setting timers for repeat traps if required.
The Select Sensor Type option gives the option to select between either ROHS COMPLIANT sensors or
NON-ROHS COMPLIANT sensors. The reason for this, is that the the former, non-ROHS compliant
sensors have slightly different hardware to the rohs compliant units, and will therefore give erroneous
readings if this field is not set correctly
Centigrade or Fahrenheit?
Option 5 in the main Temperature & Humidity menu, enables the user to select the units of temperature
preferred, i.e. degrees Centigrade or Fahrenheit.
Contact Closure (digital input) Configuration
To set up the parameters for the contact closure (volt free) inputs, select 6 at the main menu. The following
menu should be displayed:
Knuerr RMS compact version X.X.X
Embedded Agent Setup
1. Change Contact Names
2. Change Contact Normal States
3. Change Contact Input Type
4. Change Contact OFF to ON Trap Setup
5. Change Contact OFF to ON Trap Repeat Timers
6. Change Contact ON to OFF Trap Setup
7. Change Contact ON to OFF Trap Repeat Timers
8. Exit Contact Closure Setup
Enter choice (ESC to exit):
Figure 24 Contact Closure Configuration
This menu enables the user set text descriptors for each contact input, as well as set the normal state for each
input (i.e. normally open/closed), and also to set the trap generation parameters for each of the contacts. The
user is able to specify when traps are generated – when the contact goes from OFF to ON, as well as when
going from ON to OFF. You are also able to set an option to repeat the sending of each trap, and also to set
how often the repeat trap is sent (assuming the alarm state is still present).
The other option in the Contact Closure configuration menu is
Contact Closure Input Type.
This refers to the
method by which an alarm condition is triggered. Selecting this option will display the following menu:
Knuerr RMS compact version X.X.X
Embedded Agent Setup
Contact 1 : LEVEL
Contact 2 : LEVEL
Contact 3 : LEVEL
Contact 4 : LEVEL
Contact 5 : LEVEL
Contact 6 : LEVEL
Contact 7 : LEVEL
Contact 8 : LEVEL
1. Change Contact 1 Input Type
2. Change Contact 2 Input Type
3. Change Contact 3 Input Type
4. Change Contact 4 Input Type
5. Change Contact 5 Input Type
6. Change Contact 6 Input Type
7. Change Contact 7 Input Type
8. Change Contact 8 Input Type