KI23400/KI27400 UM-2
15 -
Kingfisher Two-Way Tester Laser Eye Safety Information
This information on laser eye safety compliance covers all standard
product variants.
Visual laser
650±5 nm
Surface emitting LED
850 / 1300±50 nm
Infra-red laser
1310 / 1490 / 1550 / 1625 ±20 nm
Specified CW Output Power¹
650 nm visual laser
1.6 mW
850/1300 nm LED
0.01 mW
1310 / 1490/ 1550 / 1625 nm laser
0.5 mW
1310 / 1550 nm Laser 1 mW
International Standard IEC 60825-2 Ed. 3.2 & IEC 60825-1 Ed. 3.0
Instrument Hazard Level
650 / 850 / 1300 / 1310 / 1490 / 1550 / 1625 nm
Class 1
USA Standards ANSI Z136.2 / 21 CFR 1040.10 (1995)
Labelling for this product defers to IEC 60825 as per CDRH Laser
Notices No. 50 (2007) & 56 (2019). Annual FDA reports are lodged by
Maximum permissible CW output power²
IEC 60825-2 (2011)
Class 1
650 nm, MM or SM fiber
1.95 mW
850 nm, MM or SM fiber
3.88 mW
1310 nm, MM fiber
77.8 mW
1310 nm, SM fiber
25.8 mW
1550 nm, SM fiber
10.2 mW
Note 1:
Specified CW output power is the optical power that the Source can produce at
its output connector. Refer to specification sheet for actual operating power.
Note 2:
Maximum permissible CW output power is the highest optical power that is
permitted within the appropriate laser class. Refer to specification sheet for actual
operating power
Note 3
: LED devices are no longer identified in the latest revision of IEC 60825-1 (2014).