KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
Changing the output with triggers (TRANsient)
The TRANsient group is a trigger subsystem for changing settings. This subsystem is
used to change the voltage and frequency settings.
Output change control
You can use the TRIGger:TRANsient subsystem to synchronize the changes in the
output with triggers. This is useful when you want to synchronize the changes in the
output to the operation of external devices, such as DC power supplies and electronic
Use the VOLTage:TRIGgered and FREQuency:TRIGgered command to reserve trig-
ger settings.
VOLTage 110 'Sets the voltage to 110 V
FREQuency 60 'Sets the frequency to 60 Hz
VOLTage:TRIGgered 100 'Sets the voltage that will be set when a trigger is re-
ceived to 100 V
FREQuency:TRIGgered 50 'Sets the frequency that will be set when a trigger is
received to 50 Hz
Sets the trigger source to BUS
INITiate:TRANsient 'Initiates the TRANsient group (starts the trigger function)
TRIGger:TRANsient 'Applies a software trigger to the TRANsient group
If you repeatedly change the output, a trigger error (-210) may occur.* By using the
*OPC command, you can prevent this error.
Waiting for Operation Complete
TRIGger:TRANsient;*OPC 'Applies a trigger and waits until the output change is
Trigger operation has three states: IDLE, INITiated, and WTG.