PCR-WE Interface Manual
The TRANsient, ACQuire, SIMulation, and PROGram trigger subsystems have three
states (IDLE state, INITiated state, WTG state).
• IDLE state
When the product is turned on, all trigger subsystems are in the IDLE state. In this
state, the trigger subsystem ignores all triggers. If you send any of the following
commands, the trigger subsystem is switched to the IDLE state, regardless of its
current state.
IEEE488.1 sdc (Selected Device Clear) or dcl (Device Clear)
• INITiated state
When you send the INIT command while the product is in the IDLE state, the trig-
ger function begins operating, and the tester switches to the INITiated state.
If the trigger source is set to IMMediate, the settings are changed immediately, or
the measurement, power line abnormality simulation, or sequence starts immedi-
If the trigger source is set to BUS, the product switches to the WTG (Waiting for
Trigger) state.
• WTG (Waiting for Trigger) state
If a trigger is received in the WTG state, the settings are changed, or the measure-
ment, power line abnormality simulation, or sequence starts.