KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
Advanced measurement.
This product also supports the READ command, which starts a new measurement
and queries the data. READ and MEASure are aliases. They operate exactly the
Power measurement
MEASure:POWer:ACDC? 'Queries the AC power
MEASure:POWer:ACDC:APParent? 'Queries the apparent power
MEASure:POWer:ACDC:REACtive? 'Queries the reactive power
MEASure:POWer:ACDC:PFACtor? 'Queries the power factor
MEASure:POWer:DC? 'Queries the agerage power
Advanced measurement
In advanced measurement, you can separate and control the starting of measure-
ment and the referencing of data.
Trigger operation has three states: IDLE, INITiated, and WTG.