KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
Measuring voltage, current, and power
To start a new measurement, set the trigger source to IMMediate, and then use the
INITiate command.
TRIGger:ACQuire:SOURce IMMediate 'Sets the trigger source to IMM
INITiate:ACQuire 'Initiates the ACQuire group
To use software triggers to start the measurement on the ACQuire group, change the
trigger source to BUS.
TRIGger:ACQuire:SOURce BUS 'Sets the trigger source to BUS
INITiate:ACQuire 'Initiates the ACQuire group
TRIGger:ACQuire 'Applies a software trigger to the ACQuire group
When the measurement finishes, you can use the FETCh query to retrieve the mea-
sured data.
FETCh:VOLTage:ACDC? 'Queries the rms voltage
FETCh:CURRent:ACDC? 'Queries the rms current
FETCh:POWer:ACDC? 'Queries the power
FETCh:POWer:ACDC:APParent? 'Queries the apparent power
If you send a FETCh command before the measurement is complete, correct mea-
surement data will not be obtained.* By using the *OPC command, you can obtain
correct measurement data.
Waiting for Operation Complete
INITiate:ACQuire;*OPC 'Initiates the ACQuire group and waits for the measure-
ment to complete.
Use the TRIGger:ACQuire:SOURce command to set the trigger source to BUS or
IMMediate. INITiate:ACQuire pulls the TRIGger subsystem out of the IDLE state and
starts (initiates) the trigger function.
If the trigger source is set to IMMediate, the measurement starts immediately. If the
trigger source is set to BUS, the TRIGger subsystem enters the WTG (Waiting For
Trigger) state. When a software trigger is received (through the TRIGger:ACQuire
command or *TRG command), the measurement starts. When the measurement fin-
ishes, the TRIGger subsystem enters the IDLE state again. If the ABORt command
or an equivalent command is received instead of a trigger, the measurement is can-
celed, and the TRIGger subsystem returns to the IDLE state.