KIKUSUI Electronics Corp.
Product-specific errors
The occurrence of any error in this class causes the Device Dependent Error bit (bit 3)
in the event status register to be set.
Error code
Error message description
-310 System error
System error
-311 Memory error
Memory error. Physical damage to the device memory.
-313 Calibration memory lost
Calibration memory lost.* Damage to nonvolatile calibration
data by CAL?.
-314 Save/recall memory lost
Memory data lost.* Damage to nonvolatile data by SAV?.
-315 Configuration memory lost Configuration data lost. Damage to nonvolatile panel settings.
-330 Self-test failed
Self-test failed.
-350 Queue overflow
Queue overflow.
-360 Communication error
Communication error that occurs when flow control is off. This
is an error when using RS232C.
-362 Framing error in program
Framing error. This is an error when using RS232C.
-363 Input buffer overrun
Buffer overflow error. This is an error when using RS232C.
-365 Time out error
Time out error. This is an error when using RS232C.
Query errors
An error in the range [-499, -400] indicates that the output queue control of the instru-
ment has detected a problem with the message exchange protocol described in IEEE
488.2, chapter 6. The occurrence of any error in this class causes the Query Error bit
(bit 2) in the event status register to be set.
Error code
Error message description
-400 Query error (generic)
Query error. A generic product error.
Received a new command after the query was received and
before the response was read.
-420 Query UNTERMINATED The controller attempted to read the response after the device
received an unsupported query or did not received a query.
and this error are stored in
the error queue. The controller will time out.
The error queue, input buffer, and output buffer are full when
sending large binary data as a response, and the transmis-
sion timing is off.
after indefinite response
Received a separate query in semicolon-delimited format
after a query that returns a response in an indefinite form.
(Example: A compound command such as *IDN?;SYS-