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Chapter 5 Preparing for an Exam
You should enter the relevant information about the patient, select the appropriate probe and exam type
before examining. A complete patient information helps to define the exam.
5.1 Registering a Patient
Press the Patient key on the control panel to enter the Patient Info screen, as shown in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 Patient Information Screen
Steps for creating a new patient are as follows.
Input the patient's basic information, such as patient name, patient ID, gender and date of birth by
the keyboard.
Patient ID is a very important identification. Once it is saved, you can't edit it.
Select the exam type and the exam information. For example, select [ABD] and input [Height]
and [Weight].
You can input the patient's height and weight when selecting [ABD] and [CARD], BSA will be calculated
by the formula preset in [Preset]-> [Measure Preset]-> [BSA] automatically.
You can input the [LMP] when selecting [OB], the system will calculate the GA and EDD automatically.
Input the diagnostic information in the textbox beside [Clinical] as necessary.
Click [OK] to save the patient information and return to the main screen.