Do not try to increase the size of a logical volume that is already at its maximum
size, which is determined by the total size of the array and possibly other logical
volumes associated with the same array.
For example, consider an array that has been set to a maximum of 60 GB and has
one logical volume of 40 GB. When you reach the window to increase the size
), if you type in a number more than the total size allowed, you will
get the following error message (see
). Click OK to return to the
Increase Logical Volume Size window and continue within the allowed
parameters. For information on using the maximum size, please refer to
Increasing the Size of a Logical Volume
Figure 30. Increase Logical Volume
Size Window
Figure 93. Do not exceed maximum size
Consider another scenario. If the logical volume(s) is already at the full capacity
of the array, and you try to increase the size, you will get the following message
that there is not enough space in the Array Set (see
Figure 94. Not enough space to increase size
Creating LUN Mapping/Masking
LUN Mapping/Masking allows the host to see the array set configuration in the
enclosure. It directs a path of recognition from the host to the designated logical
volumes. In order to set a LUN Map/Mask, follow the guidelines below. Using
the menu bar was explained in the Tutorial section, Chapter 3; therefore, this
section will focus on using (right-clicking) the icon and the drop menu (see
Click on the Logical Volume tab in the menu bar or click on the desired logical
volume icon in the configuration panel to the left of your screen. Right-click on
the selected logical volume icon to be mapped and then click on LUN
Mapping/Masking in the drop menu. This will give you access to the LUN
Mapping window (see
). For detailed instructions using the menu bar
and the marking a LUN, please see LUN Mapping/Masking to a Host in the
Tutorial section, Chapter 3.
16-Bay 4G FC-SATA300/SAS RAID Array Management Users Guide Rev B