check your SCSI device vendor to ma ke sure your SCSI device support the
Ultra function.
BIOS Support for More Than 2 Drives
This option a llows you to ena ble or disa ble BIOS support for more tha n
two , a nd up to eight, SCSI ha rd disk drives . It is only va lid if the host
a da pter BIOS is ena bled . This fea ture is supported by BIOS 5.0 a nd
a bove . The defa ult setting is Ena bled.
5.4 SCSI Disk Utilities
When you select SCSI Disk Utilities from the Options menu the SCSI
Select utility sca ns the SCSI bus a nd lists a ll SCSI devices insta lled on
the SCSI bus. You ca n ea sily determine from this screen which SCSI
ID is a ssigned to ea ch device on the SCSI bus.
When you highlight a disk drive by moving to it with the cursor keys a nd
, a sma ll menu window a ppea rs . You then select
Verify Media
from this menu .
Use the cursor keys (
) to move between options . Press
displa y a pop- up menu with a selection of va lues . Use the cursor keys
) to select a va lue , a nd press
to ma ke your selection.
Format Disk
The Forma t Disk utility performs a low - level forma t on disk devices .
Your fixed disk media must be low-level forma tted before you ca n use
your opera ting system's pa rtitioning a nd file prepa ra tion utilities, such a s
MS- DOS fdisk a nd forma t.
Most SCSI disk devices a re pre-forma tted a nd do not need to be
forma tted a ga in . The Ada pter Forma t Disk utility is compa tible with the
va st ma jority of SCSI disk drives .Run it on ha rd disk drives or
remova ble - media drives tha t were previously used with a non -
Ada ptec host a da pter.
: A low - level forma t destroy a ll da ta on the drive. Be sure to
ba ck up your da ta before performing this opera tion. You ca nnot a bort a
low - level forma t once it is sta rted.
Verify Disk Media
The Verify Disk Media utility sca ns the selected device's media for
defects . If the utility finds ba d blocks , it prompts you to rea ssign them ;
if you select
, those blocks will no longer be used.
: You ca n press
a t a ny time to a bort the Verity Disk Media