This ca tegory a llows you to select the type (or degree) of power sa ving a nd is
directly rela ted to the following modes:
1. Doze Mode
2. Sta ndby Mode
3. Suspend Mode
4. HDD Power Down
There a re four selections for Power Ma na gement, three of which ha ve fixed mode
Disable (default)
No power management. Disables all four modes
Min. Power Saving Minimum power management. Doze Mode = 1 hr. Standby
Mode = 1 hr., Suspend Mode = 1 hr., and HDD Power Down
= 15 min.
Max. Power Saving Maximum power management --
. Doze Mode = 1 min., Standby Mode = 1
min., Suspend Mode = 1 min., and HDD Power Down = 1
User Defined
Allows you to set each mode individually. When not
disabled, each of the ranges are from 1 min. to 1 hr. except
for HDD Power Down which ranges from 1 min. to 15 min.
and disable.
When ena bled, a n Adva nced Power Ma na gement device will be a ctiva ted to
enha nce the Ma x. Power Sa ving mode a nd stop the CPU interna l clock.
If the Ma x. Power Sa ving is not ena bled, this will be preset to
This determines the ma nner in which the monitor is bla nked.
V/H SYNC+Blank
This selection will cause the system to turn off the
vertical and horizontal synchronization ports and
write blanks to the video buffer.
Blank Screen
This option only writes blanks to the video buffer.
Initial display power management singaling.
PM Control APM
Video Off Method