About This Manual
This P55TV/TVS Lite EIDE Motherboa rd is the newest member to our EIDE
Motherboa rd solution products fa milies. It incorpora ted with Intel 4
genera tion
430VX Chipset. In order to support fully plug a nd pla y Ultra I/O , a n Ultra I/O that
conta in keyba ord a nd rea l time clock is used for users to enjoy the plug a nd play
Run with fa ster CPU is very importa nt function tha t this EIDE Motherboard
support. It support both P54C up to 200 MHz* and Intel’s next generation P55C
processor tha t support MMX technology.
Run with fa ster system memory is a nother plus on this EIDE Motherboa rd to
outperform the whole system performa nce. It equipe 4 of the 72 pin SIMM that
support both fa st pa ge a nd EDO DRAM a lso with two of the 168 pin DIMM
memory socket tha t support the new synchonous DRAM.
This manual is subject to change without notice.
This manual contains information protected by copyright law. All rights are
reserved. No any part of this document may be used or reproduced in any forms
or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written
Intel® / Pentium is trade mark of Intel® Corporation and all other product names
a re tra dema rks a nd registered tra dema rks of their respective owners.
This motherboa rd is ca refully designed with Intel® spec. to fully support P54C
processor up to 200Mhz a nd the new P55C. Since Intel® is not shiping the P54C
with 200Mhz a nd the new P55C CPU a t the point tha t we deliver this
motherboa rd so we hold the responsibility on if Intel cha nge a ny spec. tha t ca use
the new processor not function properly in this motherboa rd.