PCI and IDE Configuration
The recovery time is the length of time, mea sured in CPU clocks, which the
system will dela y a fter the completion of a n input/output request. This dela y
ta kes pla ce beca use the CPU is opera ting so much fa ster tha n the input/output bus
tha t the CPU must be dela yed to a llow for the completion of the I/O.
This item a llows you to determine the recovery time a llowed for 8 bit I/O.
Choices a re from NA, 1 to 8 CPU clocks.
1 clock is the default.
This item a llows you to determine the recovery time a llowed for 16 bit I/O.
Choices a re from NA, 1 to 4 CPU clocks.
1 clock is the default.
In order to improve performa nce, certa in spa ce in memory ca n be reserved for
ISA ca rds. This memory must be ma pped into the memory spa ce below 16 MB.
Memory hole supported.
Memory hole not supported.
Disabled is the default.
Peer concurrency mea ns tha t more tha n one PCI
device ca n be a ctive a t a time.
Multiple PCI devices can be active.
Only one PCI device can be active at a time.
Enabled is the default.
8 Bit I/O Recovery
16 Bit I/O Recovery
Memory Hole At
Peer Concurrency