Virus Warning
Virus Warning
CPU Internal Cache
External Cache
Quick Power On Self Test
Boot Sequence
Swap Floppy Drive
Boot Up Floppy Seek
Boot Up NumLock Status
Boot Up System Speed
Gate A20 Option
Typematic Rate Setting
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
Typematic Delay (Msec)
Security Option
PCI / VGA Palett Snoop
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB
: Disabled
: Disabled
: Enabled
: Enabled
: Enabled
: A ,C
: Disabled
: Enabled
: On
: High
: Fast
: Disabled
: 6
: 250
: Setup
: Disabled
: Non-OS2
Video BIOS Shadow : Enabled
C8000-CBFFF Shadow : Disabled
CC000-CFFFF Shadow : Disabled
D0000-D3FFF Shadow : Disabled
D4000-D7FFF Shadow : Disabled
D8000-DBFFF Shadow : Disabled
DC000-DFFFF Shadow : Disabled
ESC : Quit
: Select Item
F1 : Help PU/PD/+/- : Modify
F5 : Old Values (Shift) F2 : Color
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
When this item is ena bled, the Awa rd BIOS will monitor the boot sector a nd
pa rtition ta ble of the ha rd disk drive for a ny a ttempt a t modification. If a n
a ttempt is ma de, the BIOS will ha lt the system a nd the following error messa ge
will a ppea r. Afterwa rds, if necessa ry, you will be a ble to run a n a nti-virus
progra m to loca te a nd remove the problem before a ny da ma ge is done.
Disk boot sector is to be modified
Type "Y" to accept write or "N" to
abort write
Award Software, Inc.
Activates automatically when the system boots up causing a
warning message to appear when anything attempts to access the
boot sector or hard disk partition table.
No warning message will appear when anything attempts to
access the boot sector or hard disk partition table.
Virus Warning