IDE Primary Master PIO
: Auto
IDE Primary Slave PIO
: Auto
IDE Secondary Master PIO
: Auto
IDE Secondary Slave PIO
: Auto
PCI Slot IDE 2nd Channel
: Enabled
On-Chip Primary PCI IDE
: Enabled
On-Chip Secondary PCI IDE
: Enabled
Onboard FDC Controller
Onboard Serial port 1
ESC : Quit
: Select Item
Onboard Serial port 2
F1 : Help PU/PD/+/- : Modify
Onboard Parallel port
: 378H
F5 : Old Values (Shift) F2 : Color
Parallel port Mode
F6 : Load BIOS Defaults
ECP mode Use DMA
F7 : Load Setup Defaults
This a llows your ha rd disk controller to use the fa st block mode to tra nsfer da ta to
a nd from your ha rd disk drive (HDD).
IDE controller uses block mode.
IDE controller uses standard mode.
Enabled is the default.
This item a llows you designa te a n IDE controller boa rd inserted into one of the
physica l PCI slots a s your seconda ry IDE controller.
External IDE controller designated as the
secondary controller
No IDE controller occupying a PCI slot.
Disabled is the default.
IDE ha rd drive controllers ca n support up to two sepa ra te ha rd drives. These
drives ha ve a ma ster/sla ve rela tionship which a re determined by the ca bling
configura tion used to a tta ch them to the controller. Your system supports two
IDE controllers--a prima ry a nd a seconda ry--so you ha ve to a bility to insta ll up to
four sepa ra te ha rd disks.
PIO mea ns Progra mm ed Input/ Output. Ra ther tha n ha ve the BIOS issue a series
of comma nds to effect a tra nsfer to or from the disk drive, PIO a llows the BIOS
PCI Slot IDE 2nd