This option a llows you to configure certa in pa ra meters of ea ch SCSI
device on the SCSI bus.
Use the cursor keys (
) to move between options . Press
displa y a pop-up menu with a selection of va lues . Use the cursor keysx
) to select a va lue , a nd press
to ma ke your selection.
Initiate Sync Negotiation
This option determines whether the host a da pter initia tes synchronous
negotia tion with the SCSI device.
When set to
the host a da pter initia tes synchronous negotia tion with
the SCSI device . When set to
, the host a da pter does not initia te
synchronous negotia tion. The host a da pter , however, a lwa ys responds to
synchronous negotia tion if the SCSI device initia tes it . The defa ult setting
is yes.
Da ta is tra nsferred in a synchronous mode if neither the on boa rd SCSI nor
the SCSI periphera l negotia tes for synchronous da ta tra nsfers.
Some older SCSI-1 devices do not support synchronous
negotia tion. This ma y ca use your computer to opera te erra tica lly or ha ng
if Initia te Sync Negotia tion is ena bled . Set Initia te Sync Negotia tion to
for these devices.
Maximum Sync Transfer Rate
This option determines the ma ximum synchronous da ta tra nsfer ra te tha t
the host a da pter ca n support. The host a da pter supports ra tes up to the
Ultra SCSI ma ximum of 20.0 MBytes / sec.
Enable Disconnection
This option determines whether the host a da pter a llows a SCSI device to
disconnect from the SCSI bus ( sometimes ca lled Disconnect / Reconnec t).
Disconnect / Reconnect a llows the host a da pter to perform other
opera tions on the SCSI bus while the SCSI device is tempora rily
When set to
, the SCSI device ma y disconnect from the SCSI bus . The
SCSI device , however ,ma y choose not to disconnect , even if permitted
by the host a da pter ( this ca n usua lly be configured on the SCSI device).
When set to
, the SCSI device is not a llowed to disconnect from the
SCSI bus . The defa ult setting is
You should lea ve Ena ble Disconnection set to
if two or more SCSI
devices a re connected to the on boa rd SCSI port . This optimizes SCSI
bus performa nce. If only one SCSI device is connected to SCSI port , set
Ena ble Disconnection to
to a chieve slightly better performa nce.
Send Start Unit Command
This option , which is supported by some SCSI devices, determines
whether the Sta rt Unit Comma nd (SCSI comma nd 1B) is sent to the