4.8 Load Setup Defaults
The chipset defa ults a re settings which provide for ma ximum system
performa nce. While Awa rd ha s designed the custom BIOS to ma ximize
performa nce, the ma nufacturer ha s the right to cha nge these defa ults to meet their
4.9 Supervisor/User Password Setting
You ca n set either supervisor or user pa ssword, or both of then. The differences
between a re:
supervisor pa ssword : ca n enter a nd cha nge the options of the setup menus.
user pa ssword : just ca n enter but do not ha ve the right to cha nge the
options of the setup menus.
When you select this function, the following messa ge will a ppea r a t the center of
the screen to a ssist you in crea ting a pa ssword.
Type the pa ssword, up to eight cha ra cters in length, a nd press <Enter>. The
pa ssword typed now will clea r a ny previously entered pa ssword from CMOS
memory. You will be a sked to confirm the pa ssword. Type the pa ssword a ga in
a nd press <Enter>. You ma y a lso press <Esc> to a bort the selection a nd not enter
a pa ssword.
To disa ble a pa ssword, just press <Enter> when you a re prompted to enter the
pa ssword. A messa ge will confirm the pa ssword will be disa bled. Once the
pa ssword is disa bled, the system will boot a nd you ca n enter Setup freely.
When a pa ssword ha s been ena bled, you will be prompted to enter it every time
you try to enter Setup. This prevents a n una uthorized person from cha nging a ny
pa rt of your system configura tion.
Additiona lly, when a pa ssword is ena bled, you ca n a lso require the BIOS to
request a pa ssword every time your system is rebooted. This would prevent
una uthorized use of your computer.
4.10 IDE HDD Auto Detection
Automa tica lly detect a nd configure ha rd disk pa ra meters. The Awa rd BIOS
includes this a bility in the event you a re uncerta in of your ha rd disk pa ra meters.
4.11 HDD Low Level Format