3.3 CPU group
3.3.1 CPU Socket
This CPU socket provides flexibility for Intel Pentium , Pentium
OverDrive, Pentium future processors, AMD K5(5k86) a nd Cyrix
M1(6x86) processor. When insta lling the CPU into the Zero Insertion
Force ( ZIF ) socket should be very ca refully. Lift the ha ndle of this 321
Pin ZIF socket up ca refully a nd insert the CPU into ZIF socket. And ma ke
sure the CPU Pin 1 is with the squa re ba se a nd it goes to pa rticula r hole on
the ZIF socket. Once you ma tch the hole with Pin 1 then gently insert the
CPU a nd press socket ha ndle down.
Pe ntium
pin #1
Socke t 7
3.3.2 J17 CPU Cooler Fan Power Connector
Warning !!!
Warning !!!
Warning !!!
CPU Cooler is required to be placed on top of
the CPU all the times to prevent CPU over-heat.