The ca tegory a dds one hour to the clock when da ylight -sa ving time begins. It
a lso subtra cts one hour when sta nda rd time returns.
Enable daylight-saving
Disable daylight-saving
The ca tegories identify the types of 2
cha nnels tha t ha ve been insta lled in the computer. There a re 45 predefined types
a nd 4 user defina ble types a re for Enha nced IDE BIOS. Type 1 to Type 45 a re
predefined. Type user is user-defina ble.
Press PgUp or PgDn to select a numbered ha rd disk type or type the number a nd
press <Enter>. Note tha t the specifica tions of your drive must ma tch with the
drive ta ble. The ha rd disk will not work properly if you enter improper
informa tion for this ca tegory. If your ha rd disk drive type is not ma tched or
listed, you can use Type ”User” to define your own drive type manually.
If you select Type ”User”, you will need to know the information listed below.
Enter the informa tion directly from the keyboa rd a nd press <Enter>. This
informa tion should be included in the documentation from your ha rd disk vendor
or the system ma nufacturer.
If the controller of HDD interface is ESDI, the selection shall be “Type 1”.
If the controller of HDD interface is SCSI, the selection shall be “None”.
If you select Type”Auto”, BIOS will Auto-Detect the HDD & CD-ROM Drive at
the POST sta ge a nd showing the IDE for HDD & CD-ROM Drive.
drive type
number of cylinders
number of heads
write precom
landing zone
number of sectors
mode type
If a ha rd disk ha s not been insta lled Select NONE a nd press <Enter>.
Daylight saving
Primary Master/
Primary Slave/
Secondary Master/
Secondary Slave
Drive A Type /
Drive B Type