ha s a lower interrupt tha n the seconda ry a s described in
lot x Using INT#
a bove.
Selecting “
PCI Auto
” allows the system to automatically determine how your
IDE disk system is configured.
Awa rd's ROM BIOS provides a built-in Setup progra m which a llows user modify
the system configura tion a nd ha rdwa re pa ra meters. The modified da ta will be
stored in a ba ttery-ba cked CMOS RAM, so da ta will be reta ined even the system
power is off. In genera l, you a re not required to cha nge a ny da ta . Unless there is a
conflict or you re-configuring system, this will need to enter new setup
informa tion. Following section describes how to use this progra m a nd propria te
The "LOAD SETUP DEFAULT" is recommended in your first time setup this
system or you cha nge the system's configura tion. You will need "LOAD SETUP
DEFAULT" first a nd re-confirure your system. This will be described in la ter
cha pter.
And, it is possible tha t ba ttery fa iled which might ca use da ta lose in CMOS
RAM, then you need to re-enter the system's CMOS RAM a nd re-configure to get
the suita ble pa ra meters.
4.7 Integrated Peripherals
IDE HDD Block Mode
: Enabled