PM Timers
The following four modes a re Green PC power sa ving functions which a re only
user configura ble when
User Defined
Power Ma na gement has been selected. See
a bove for a va ila ble selections.
When ena bled a nd a fter the set time of system
ina ctivity, the CPU clock will run a t slower speed while a ll other devices still
opera te a t full speed.
When ena bled a nd a fter the set time of system ina ctivity, the fixed disk drive a nd
the video would be shut off while a ll other devices still opera te a t full speed.
When ena bled a nd a fter the set time of system ina ctivity, a ll devices except the
CPU will be shut off.
When ena bled a nd a fter the set time of system ina ctivity, the ha rd disk drive will
be powered down while a ll other devices rema in a ctive.
Power Down & Resume Events
Power Down a nd Resume events a re I/O events whose occurrence ca n prevent the
system from entering a power sa ving mode or ca n a wa ken the system from such a
mode. In effect, the system rema ins a lert for a nything which occurs to a device
which is configured a s
, even when the system is in a power down mode.
The following is a list of IRQ,
uests, which ca n be exempted much
a s the COM ports a nd LPT ports a bove ca n. When a n I/O device wa nts to ga in
the a ttention of the opera ting system, it signa ls this by ca using a n IRQ to occur.
When the opera ting system is rea dy to respond to the request, it interrupts itself
a nd performs the service.
As a bove, the choices a re
a nd
Off. Off
is the defa ult.
Doze Mode
Standby Mode
Suspend Mode
HDD Power Down