F9 key
F10 key
Save all the CMOS changes, only for Main Menu
Getting Help
Press F1 to pop up a sma ll help window tha t describes the a ppropria te keys to use
a nd the possible selections for the highlighted item. To exit the Help Window
press <Esc> or the F1 key a ga in.
In Case of Problems
If, a fter ma king a nd sa ving system cha nges with Setup, you discover tha t your
computer no longer is a ble to boot, the Awa rd BIOS supports a n override to the
CMOS settings which resets your system to its defa ults.
The best a dvice is to only a lter settings which you thoroughly understa nd. To this
end, we strongly recommend tha t you a void ma king a ny cha nges to the chipset
defa ults. These defa ults ha ve been ca refully chosen by both Awa rd a nd your
systems ma nufacturer to provide the a bsolute ma ximum performa nce a nd
relia bility. Even a seemingly sma ll cha nge to the chipset setup ha s the potentia l
for ca using you to use the override.
A Final Note About Setup
Not a ll systems ha ve the sa me Setup. While the ba sic look a nd function of the
Setup progra m rema ins the sa me for a ll systems, individua l motherboa rd a nd
chipset combina tions require custom configura tions. For exa mple, you ma y find
tha t your Setup ma in menu ha s a different number of entries from the ma in menu
displa yed in this ma nual. These a re simply fea tures not supported (or not user
configura ble) on your system.
The fina l a ppea rance of the Setup progra m a lso depends on the Origina l
Equipment Ma nufacturer (OEM) who built your system. If your OEM ha s
decided tha t certa in items should only be a va ila ble to their technicia ns, those
items ma y very well be removed from the Setup progra m.
4.1 Main Menu
Once you enter the Awa rd BIOS CMOS Setup Utility, the Ma in Menu will
a ppea r on the screen. The Ma in Menu a llows you to select from severa l set up
functions a nd two exit choices. Use the a rrow keys to select a mong the items a nd
press <Enter> to a ccept a nd enter the sub-menu.