The Configure / View Host Ada pter Settings menu lists three settings
under SCSI Cha nnel Interfa ce Definitions , a s shown in following Figure.
Adaptec AIC-78xx < SCSISelect(TM) > Utility v1.XX
Arrow keys to move cursor, <Enter> to select option, <Esc> to Exit (*=def ault)
Conf iguration
SCSI Channel Interf ace Def initions
Host Adapter SCSI ID
Host Adaptec SCSI Termination
AIC-78xx at Bus: Device xx:xxh
SCSI Parity Checking
Additional Options
SCSI Device Conf iguration
Advanced Conf iguration Options
Low ON/ High ON
Press <Enter>
Press <Enter>
<F6> -Reset to Host Def aults
Boot Device Conf iguration
Press <Enter>
Use the cursor (Up, Down ) to move to your selection. Press
displa y a pop-up menu of choices or to ma ke selections . Press
a t a ny
time to return to the previous menu.
Note :
Press F6 to reset a ll settings to the host a da pter defaults. Host
a da pter defa ult settings a re ma rked with a n a sterisk (*)
throughout the selection submenus.
5.3.1 Host Adapter SCSI ID
This option a llows you to cha nge the host a da pter SCSI ID. There a re 8
a va ila ble IDs for the P54TV. The defa ult is ID 7 , which ha s the highest
priority on the SCSI bus. ( We recommend tha t you not to cha nge this
setting ).
Ea ch SCSI device on the SCSI bus, including the host a da pter , must be
set to a unique SCSI ID.
The SCSI ID serves two purposed : it uniquely identifies ea ch SCSI device
on the bus , a nd it determines the device's priority on the bus during the
Arbitra tion pha se. The Arbitra tion pha se determines which device controls
the bus when two or more devices request use of it .
Use the cursor (
)a nd Enter keys to select the SCSI ID, if you need to
cha nge it . Press Esc a t a ny time to return to the previous menu.