ena bled . The defa ult setting is Boot Only. The following choices a re
a va ila ble :
Boot Only
- Only the remova ble - media drive designa ted a s the boot
device a re trea ted a s a ha rd disk drive .
All Disks
- All remova ble - media drives supported by the BIOS a re
trea ted a s ha rd disk drives.
No remova ble - media drives a re trea ted a s ha rd disk drives .
In this situa tion , softwa re drives a re needed beca use the
drive a re not controlled by the BIOS.
Support for remova ble - media drives mea ns only tha t the
host a da pter BIOS a llows you to use a remova ble - media
drive a s if it were a ha rd disk drive ;it does not mea n yo u
ca n remove the disk media during opera tion . If a remova ble
- media SCSI device is controlled by the host a da pter
BIOS , do not remove the media while the drive is powered - on or you
ma y lose da ta . If you wa nt to be a ble to
remove media while the power is on , insta ll the remova ble - media
device driver a nd set this option to Disa bled.
Extended BIOS Translation for DOS Drives > 1 GByte
This option a llows you to ena ble or disa ble extended tra nsla tion for SCSI
ha rd disks with a ca pa city grea ter tha n 1 GByte. It is only va lid if the host
a da pter BIOS is ena bled . The defa ult setting is Ena bled.
If this option is ena bled , the following tra nsla tion schemes a re used:
SCSI ha rd disks 1 GByte use a tra nsla tion schema of 64 hea ds , 32 sectors
per tra ck
SCSI ha rd disks 1 GByte use a tra nsla tion schema of 255 hea ds , 63
sectors per tra ck
Display <Ctrl-A> Message Durig BIOS initialization.
This option a llows you to ena ble or disa ble the BIOS prompt for the SCSI
Multiple Lun Support
This option a llows you to ena ble or disa ble the SCSI Lun support
BIOS Support for Int13 Extensions
This option a llows you to Ena bled or Disa bled the Int13 Extensions. The
SCSI BIOS need to cha nge the Int13h to ma ke the SCSI been recognized
by O.S.
Support for Ultra SCSI speed
Ena bled the Ultra SCSI functin by cha nge this option. The ma ximum Da ta
Tra nsfer Ra te of this SCSI Bus is 20MB/Sec. For su pport this function,