Goodrive100 inverters
Communication protocol
IKR Aandrijven en Besturen
short as possible within the length of 15m. It is recommended to connect the RS232-RS485 converter to the
computer directly. If using USB-RS485 converter, the wire should be as short as possible, too.
Select a right interface to the upper monitor of the computer (select the interface of RS232-RS485
converter, such as COM1) after the wiring and set the basic parameters such as communication baud rate
and digital check bit to the same as the inverter.
Figure 1 RS485 physical connection in single application
Multi-applicationIn the real multi-application, the chrysanthemum connection and star connection are
commonly used.
Chrysanthemum chain connection is required in the RS485 industrial fieldbus standards. The two ends are
connected to terminal resistors of 120Ω which is shown as figure 2. Figure 3 is the simply connection figure
and figure 4 is the real application figure.
Fiure 2 Chrysanthemum connection
Figure 3 Chrysanthemum connection
Figure 4 Chrysanthemum connection applications
Figure 5 is the star connection. Terminal resistor should be connected to the two devices which have the
longest distance. (1# and 15#device)
Figure 5 star connection
It is recommended to use shield cables in multiple connection. The basic parameter of the devices, such as
baud rate and digital check bit in RS485 should be the same and there should be no repeated address.