5 Maintenance
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Removing the Fan (CP700-4T11-H to CP700-4T15-H)
1) Disconnect the fan power
cable. (Top view)
Fan power
2) Remove the four screws
from the fan cover using a
3) Remove the fan and fan
cover from the AC drive.
Fan cover
Fan power cable
Mounting the Fan (CP700-4T11-H to CP700-4T15-H)
1) Install the fan in a reverse procedure to removal.
Pay attention to the direction of the fan. Note that the airflow direction arrow (on the side of
the fan) must be upright after the fan is installed.
3) Install the fan and fan cover on the AC drive. Align the mounting holes of the cooling fan, fan
cover and the AC drive, as shown in figure 3 of the removal procedure.
After replacement is completed, check that the air flow direction is upright.
Airflow direction of the fan
of the fan
Note that the
airflow direction
is upright.
The fan removal and installation methods for models with two cooling fans
(CP700-2T7.5, CP700-2T30-H to CP700-2T45-H, and CP700-4T55-H to CP700-
4T90-H) are similar to those for models CP700-4T11-H to CP700-4T15-H.