Chapter 1: Introduction
Power Supply Units
Figure 1-18: PSU Module of S12E-R1132-4
Figure 1-19: PSU Module of S12E-G1133-2
The S12E-R1132-4 is equipped with two (2) 530W PSUs (
Figure 1-
), while S12E-G1133-2 is equipped with two (3) 350W PSUs
Figure 1-19
). The redundant, hot-swappable PSU modules are
located at the rear of the enclosure. The PSU is permanently
mounted into a 2U canister especially designed to house both the
PSU and a cooling module. If a PSU is removed from the chassis,
the cooling module within is also removed.
Each PSU comes with a single power socket for power cord plug-in
and a power switch to turn the subsystem on and off. A single LED
indicates the PSU status. If a PSU fails the LED lights steadily red.
An ejection handle on the PSU enables you to remove or to secure
the PSU in place. This should only occur if the PSU fails and needs
to be replaced.