EonStor S12E-R1132-4/G1133-2 Installation and Hardware Reference Manual
Although the RAID controller can be removed, you should touch the
controller itself ONLY when you need to install or replace the
memory modules. The controller is built of sensitive components
and unnecessary tampering can damage it.
The S12E system is managed by the RAID controller(s). The
controller of S12E-R1132-4 comes with four (4) GbE Ethernet host
ports, and that of S12E-G1133-2 comes with two (2) GbE host ports.
The subsystem connects to the host through RJ-45 connectors, while
the connectors are also ready to connect to one or more network
switches, enabling access to your storage volumes in complex
configurations such as data-sharing or Virtual LAN segments.
The docking connector at the rear of the controller board connects
the controller module to the backplane board. Controller
All external interfaces that connect to external devices are located on
the controller module’s rear-facing faceplate. The interfaces are listed
Figure 1-14
Figure 1-15
Figure 1-14: S12E-R1132-4 Controller Module Interfaces