6: D
M8190 IP Address Change Flag
Network settings are not changed by just changing the values in D8303 through D8323. Turn on M8190 to update the
network settings according to the values stored in D8303 through D8323.
M8191 SNTP Calendar/Clock Data Write Flag
When M8191 is turned on, data in data registers D8414 to D8420 (calendar/clock data obtained from SNTP) are set to
the clock cartridge installed on the CPU module. When M8191 remains on, the same action is repeated every 24 hours.
M8192-M8195 Interrupt Input I2 through I5 Edge (ON: Rising, OFF: Falling)
This flag indicates whether the interrupt input is triggered with a rising edge or falling edge.
M8200 User Communication Receive over Ethernet Instruction Cancel Flag (Server Connection 1)
When M8200 is turned on, all ERXD S1 instructions ready for receiving user communication through server connection 1
are disabled.
M8201 User Communication Receive over Ethernet Instruction Cancel Flag (Server Connection 2)
When M8201 is turned on, all ERXD S2 instructions ready for receiving user communication through server connection 2
are disabled.
M8202 User Communication Receive over Ethernet Instruction Cancel Flag (Server Connection 3)
When M8202 is turned on, all ERXD S3 instructions ready for receiving user communication through server connection 3
are disabled.
M8203 User Communication Receive over Ethernet Instruction Cancel Flag (Server Connection 4)
When M8203 is turned on, all ERXD S4 instructions ready for receiving user communication through server connection 4
are disabled.
M8204 User Communication Receive over Ethernet Instruction Cancel Flag (Server Connection 5)
When M8204 is turned on, all ERXD S5 instructions ready for receiving user communication through server connection 5
are disabled.
M8205 User Communication Receive over Ethernet Instruction Cancel Flag (Server Connection 6)
When M8205 is turned on, all ERXD S6 instructions ready for receiving user communication through server connection 6
are disabled.
M8206 User Communication Receive over Ethernet Instruction Cancel Flag (Server Connection 7)
When M8206 is turned on, all ERXD S7 instructions ready for receiving user communication through server connection 7
are disabled.
M8207 User Communication Receive over Ethernet Instruction Cancel Flag (Server Connection 8)
When M8207 is turned on, all ERXD S8 instructions ready for receiving user communication through server connection 8
are disabled.
M8212-M8214 Maintenance Communication Server (1 through 3) Status
While the connection of the maintenance communication server is in use, the corresponding relay turns on. When the
connection is not in use, the corresponding relay turns off.
M8215-M8217 Client Connection (1 through 3) Status
While the connection of the client connection is in use, the corresponding relay turns on. When the connection is not in
use, the corresponding relay turns off.
M8220-M8227 Server Connection (1 through 8) Status
While the connection of the server connection is in use, the corresponding relay turns on. When the connection is not in
use, the corresponding relay turns off.
M8230-M8232 Client Connection (1 through 3) Disconnect Flag
When this relay is turned on while the corresponding client connection is in use, the connection is disconnected.
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