successfully, and the RRU is powered on, reset the LMPT for automatic upgrade of the RRU
You should pay attention to the following points when you download and activate the software
and the configuration file through the USB storage device:
If the USB storage device contains the common configuration file of the site, digital
certificate and eNodeB software, the eNodeB parses the common configuration file, loads
the digital certificate, and then downloads and activates the eNodeB software and data
configuration. If the eNodeB cannot parse the common configuration file, it does not
proceed with the subsequent process.
If the USB storage device contains only the eNodeB software and data configuration, the
eNodeB downloads and activates the eNodeB software, and then downloads and activates
the data configuration.
If the eNodeB software or data configuration file is missing in the USB storage device, the
eNodeB performs the following steps:
If the eNodeB software is missing in the USB storage device, the eNodeB
commissioning through the USB storage device is not performed.
If the data configuration file is missing in the USB storage device, the eNodeB upgrades
to the minimum configuration of the target version and skips the download and
activation of data configuration.
If the eNodeB software upgrade fails, the eNodeB rolls back to the pre-upgrade version.
Before downloading and activating data configuration, the eNodeB does not check the
compatibility between the data configuration file and the eNodeB software version. The
eNodeB performs the following activities:
If the eNodeB software is upgraded successfully but is not compatible with the data
configuration file, or if the download and activation of data configuration fail, the
eNodeB uses the minimum configuration of the target version.
When the active eNodeB software is consistent with the target software version,
software upgrade is not performed. After the eNodeB resets, if the active eNodeB
software is not compatible with the data configuration file or if the download and
activation of data configuration fail, the eNodeB uses the data configuration of the
earlier version.
If any of the following situations occurs, the eNodeB would not download or activate the
eNodeB software or data configuration file from the USB storage device.
The directory or the file does not exist.
The eNodeB software is missing in the USB storage device, and therefore the software
and data cannot be downloaded or activated.
The target software version is consistent with the active eNodeB software, and therefore
the eNodeB software is not downloaded or activated. The download and activation of
data configuration is still normal.
The data configuration file is consistent with the active data configuration, and therefore
data configuration is not downloaded. The download and activation of the software is
still normal.
Step 1
Insert the USB storage device into the USB port on the LMPT of the BBU3900, as shown in
6 Commissioning the MBTS by Using USB and M2000
3900 Series Multi-Mode Base Station
Commissioning Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 02 (2010-07-30)