IT Functionality 9-8
© 2005 HMS Industrial Networks.
AB7607 User manual
HTTP Server
The module features a complete HTTP (web) server with Server Side Includes
(SSI) functionality. Server Side Includes are commands to the web server embed-
ded in the HTML code. When the web server encounters the commands the
results of the command are inserted in the web page. SSI commands allow easy
access to the IN and OUT areas of the Anybus-X module. It is possible to upload
web pages to the module, giving access to data in the memory of the module using
a customizable interface.
Virtual Files
The module contains a set of virtual files that can be used when building a web
page for configuration of network parameters. These virtual files can be overwrit-
ten (not erased) by placing files with the same name in the root of the file system.
By using this feature it is for example possible replace a logo by uploading a new
logo named ‘\logo.gif’. It is also possible to make links from a web page to the
virtual configuration page. In that case the link shall point to ‘\config.htm’.
The available virtual files are:
- Shows the contents of config.htm
- Configuration frame page
- Configuration form page
- Configuration store page
- Logo
- Configuration picture
- Picture
- Picture